miércoles, 5 de febrero de 2020

They found fossil remains of a prehistoric white shark in Miramar

 The White shark it is the most famous fish species for being one of the marine predators with an imposing structure and have an extensive record of attacks on human beings. It is undoubtedly one of the largest species of sharks, reaching 6 meters in length.
peculiar and casual paleontological finding performed by two neighbors in the spa town of Miramar, It demonstrates the presence of this curious marine predator from recently identified fossils. The fossils would be close to 10 thousand years old.
The white shark is a species rarely registered in the Argentine sea. Two neighbors of the coastal town found fossil remains of it while gathering snails on the beach that were identified in the paleontological record of the city of Miramar, from two teeth deposited in the scientific collections of the Natural Science Museum from the city located about 450 kilometers from Buenos Aires.
“Occasionally displaced or rolled fossils appear on our coast, but these remains made a difference. Separately in distance and time, they recovered teeth that show An important fossilization process. The materials in question were taken to the Miramar Municipal Museum, and were stored in a drawer for a few years, ”he said. Daniel Boh, holder of the local museum.
The first tooth was found by Jose Puente on the beaches located in the Dunicola Nursery Forest, and the second, was discovered by Miguel Babarro and comes from the neighboring town of South Sea, distant about 15 kilometers south of Miramar.
However, several years passed, until Mariano Magnussen from the Paleontological Laboratory of the new Miramarense museum, he noted the importance of the finding while reviewing hundreds of fossils deposited in the collections. Beside Federico Agnolin, Specialist of the Argentine Museum of Natural Sciences, Conicet, Azara Foundation and Maimonides University, made the first observations on them, and developed some hypotheses about its origin, since in several sectors of the local beaches fossil remains of whales, snails and hedgehogs that would be linked to the environments where these prehistoric sharks lived.
Later, Sergio Bogan of the Azara Foundation and Maimonides University, consulted the fossil collection of this institution and observed these teeth, immediately identifying them as those of a Carcharodon carcharias, popularly known as white shark.
“Although they present erosion, it is about two excellent fossil pieces, one of them from the upper jaw and the other from the lower one, ”he said Bogan. He added: “This is the first fossil remains of this species discovered in this sector of the Buenos Aires coast. The white shark is currently extremely unusual on our coasts and this finding reinforces the previously proposed paleontological model, where the species was much more abundant in the recent past of our sea ”.
When asked, Magnussen he emphasized; “Miramar is one of the few places in the world, where we have paleontological, archaeological and even historical records of the presence of Carcharodon carcharias.”
All fossils and deposits are protected by the Law 25.743 / 03 and by municipal ordinance 248/88 where the provincial state (through the Registry Center of Archaeological and Paleontological Heritage) has jurisdiction over these fossil recovery issues. Fossils are everyone’s heritage, and are a matter of fascination for museum visitors and a constant source of information to learn about the past of our region.